

What is re3?

re3 is a fully democratized marketplace of sounds for music (including one-shots, loops, songs and song stems). Unlike our competitors, re3 does not buy the rights to sounds from creators— the sounds remain theirs. In addition, creators can issue sampling licenses for their sounds in exchange for a royalty. re3 provides the framework to help creators get paid those royalties. Licenses can be carried through multiple generations of sampling.

What does re3 stand for?

Remash, resample and remix.


What are credits on re3?

Credits is the currency that you spend to mint and download sounds.

How do I get credits?

You can subscribe to a paid plan for a monthly retainer of credits, or you can execute a one-time purchase of credits to download a specific sound (20 credit minimum). On a per-credit basis, paid subscription plans are cheaper than one-time purchases. A paid plan is also the best way to make sure you have credits to mint your own sounds.


What is minting?

Minting is the name for the sound upload and registration process. If you want to make a sound available for download & license on re3, you must mint it. We call it minting because we record the metadata you input for each sound on the blockchain (Polygon network on Ethereum) and assign it a unique blockchain token.

How much does it cost to mint a sound?

Minting a sound costs 1 credit for every 10 seconds of audio. Fractions of a credit are rounded up.

How do I delete a sound I've minted?

It is impossible to delete a sound but you may set its permissions to "Private" so that it is no longer public nor available for download/licensing to other users. Go to your Sound Wallet, find your sound, select the 3 vertical dot icon on the right side of the interface, and from the drop down menu select "Private".

Downloading & Sampling

What happens when I download a sound on re3?

When you download a sound, you agree to the sampling license terms specified by the creator. This may or may not include a download fee (paid automatically in credits) and/or a royalty (paid via the Royalty Manager). You only need to pay the royalty if you ever create a new sound that samples or remixes the original sound and goes on to create income.

Are sampling license agreements on re3 legally binding?

Yes. If a user agrees to pay a royalty via the sampling license and fails to fulfill his or her obligation to pay that royalty, the licensor may be able to hold the licensee accountable via legal pursuits.

What are some of the specifics within the sampling license?

The re3 sampling royalty license territory is worldwide and the term is in perpetuity. The license is non-exclusive, meaning multiple licenses can be issued without restriction by other licensees. The license 1) specifies the credit payment due immediately upon download, 2) permission to sample the master (sound) and use the derivative work without approval from its original creators, 3) a royalty as a percentage of revenue from any derivative works to be paid via the re3 Royalty Manager, 4) a directive to upload the derivative work / new sound back to re3 and link it to the original sampled sound. It is possible that the download fee or the royalty is zero, depending on what the creator specified in the minting process. It is important to note that this license is for the master, not the composition (any melody or lyric) that may be contained within. If you are licensing a song or stem that contains a composition copyright, you are granted permission to sample that composition but the derivative composition will be wholly owned by the original writers, not you. You will only own the master. Please consult a lawyer for a definitive understanding of the license language.

If I sampled a sound on re3 but didn't do much to change the original, is the license still valid?

No. A sampling license is only valid if the resulting creation is substantively different from the original sample. A substantive difference includes a mutation of the sound, a chopped up or rearranged version of the sound, or a layering of the sound with other audio.

What is a royalty?

A royalty is compensation for using someone else's work in the form of a percentage of revenue.

How do I make sure users pay me my royalties?

Users who license your sounds will be reminded to pay royalties via the re3 Royalty Manager. Via the license agreement, they are legally obligated to do so


How do I get paid?

In order to get collect download fees and royalties that were paid to you, you must register as a re3 Seller. You can do this by clicking "Connect My Bank Account" from Settings. It will send you to our third-party payment processor, Stripe, to collect your business information and connect your bank account to receive payment.

When are fees paid?

Fees owed to you are paid at the top of each month. You can see the pending payout amount in Settings.

How much am I paid in USD for each credit?

You will be paid 8 cents for each credit. You can see the pending payout amount in Settings. Users obtain credits for anywhere between 8.3 cents and 10 cents per credit. The difference between what they pay and you collect is what re3 uses to maintain and improve the platform


Does re3 use blockchain?

re3 currently uses Polygon network (run on Ethereum) to create records of ownership for minted sounds.


How do I get verified?

To apply to become a verified reso creator, email [email protected] and include your name, social media links plus other relevant information.